Tuesday, November 17, 2015

McGrath Community Church Update - November 17, 2015

GREAT NEWS...got word yesterday that the water has been connected in the church parsonage! Whoop...Whoop...!

So...our tentative plans are to head back to Anchorage on Tuesday December 8, spend a few days in Anchorage picking things that we can ship/take to McGrath cheaper, then head back to McGrath on Friday December 11!

Christie and I, along with the church, are in the process of getting all the furnishings together! Things are coming together very well! Hopefully we can get everything picked out, ordered, and shipped up prior to us getting to McGrath.

I am very excited at how the church has come together and worked really hard to get this project completed. These are some amazing people and we are looking forward to serving with them.

We are looking forward to the annual Christmas Eve service that is attended by many in the village. I had heard great things about this service. 

WEBSITE UPDATE: We are getting close to having the website up and running. Once it is up we will be tweaking it and adding features to it. But the big thing will the centralizing the blog, online giving, and all the updates you will need about the work in McGrath, the work of Momentum Ministries.

Please be in prayer for Christie and I over the next couple of weeks as we prepare to head to our new opportunity for sharing the love of our Savior!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

McGrath Community Church Mission Work - Update November 11, 2015

Just Think About It

Tony Campolo was speaking to a conference of about 300 women. Before he was to speak the president of the organization was giving updates and read a moving letter from a missionary. The missionaries had spoke of their need for $4,000. The president said, "We need to pray that the Lord will provide the resources to meet the need of this missionary. Brother Campolo will you pray for us?" Tony Campolo very simply said "No!". Taken back, the women said, "I beg your pardon." Again he said, "No, I won't pray for that." He said, "I believe that God has already provided these resources and all we need to do is give. I tell you what I am going to do. I'm going to step up to this table and give every bit of the money I have in my pocket. And if all of you do the same, I think we will find that God has already provided." The president of the organization nervously laughed and said, "Well, I guess we get the point. He's trying to teach us that we all need to give sacrificially." "No," said Tony, "that is not what I am trying to teach you. I'm trying to teach you that God has already provided for this missionary. All we need to do is give it. Here, I'm going to put down all of my money I have with me." He put down the $15 he had in his pocket and then looked at the organization's president. She reluctantly opened her purse and took out the $40 she had, and put it on the table. The rest of the women walked one by one up to the table and laid their money down, too. When the money was counted they had collected more than the required $4,000. Tony looked at them again and said, "Now here's the lesson. God always supplies our needs, and He supplied for this missionary, too. The only problem was we were keeping it for ourselves. Now let's pray and thank God for His provision."

Update on the ministry in McGrath, Alaska - Still shooting for December 1!

Spoke with the church today and things are really progressing. Everyone has come together and really been busy tying up all the small things that need to be done in the parsonage. All the construction stuff is being moved out and next week the big cleaning of the parsonage begins. The only construction that needs to be completed is the indoor plumbing, which is about 90% complete. The hold up is the city hookup of the water to the house. There has been a "changing of the guard" at the city water works and they hope to talk to one of the other water works guys on Thursday of this week. After the city does their thing it will take about four hours to get water running in the parsonage! This has been a major issue and it just does not seem like it is a priority to the city. Please pray that the new guy at the city will see the importance of getting this finished!

We are making good progress on the furnishing for the parsonage. I have been in contact with the Fred Meyer store in Anchorage and they are working very hard to get us good prices, not only on the furnishings, but the freight as well! If we can buy the major stuff at one place it will save on the freight to McGrath. Freight rates run about $0.80 to $1.00 per pound shipped. So you can see that discounts are very critical. 

I have set up lists, similar to wedding and baby shower registries, on the Walmart and Target websites. If you would like to contribute to furnishing the parsonage you can check these sites for what is needed. The things we are working on: sofa and love seat, arm chair, bed and mattresses, dresser and end tables, cookware and flatware. If you would to provide any of the other items on the lists it would be much appreciated. 

To access either list:

Target  paste this link into your browser

Walmart   Go to www.walmart.com; Click on Lists at the top of the page;  In the Pop-up box select Find A List; Type in mason (last name box, lower case) and Alaska (state box); Select McGrath Community Church Parsonage - this will open the list

If you would like make a contribution to the furnishing the parsonage, make your check out to McGrath Community Church and note on the check "Parsonage Furnishings". You can mail your check to McGrath Community Church, P.O. Box 82, McGrath, AK  99627.   

Website Update

We are getting close to having the website up and running. Hopefully, by the end of next week we will have it active. One of the big things we are working on is online giving. This will allow donations and contributions to done safe and secure online. We are hoping to have the ability to setup recurring donations. Check back to the blog for more details 

Fund Raising

I want to thank all of you that have given financially to this work. However, we still need partners to help with the monthly expenses, or a one-time gift. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord may want you to help with this incredible opportunity to partner with us and reach the bush village of McGrath, Alaska for Jesus!

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please give us a call at (334) 543-2000 Home, or (334) 292-0090 Mike US Cell / (907) 574-0624 Alaska Cell, or email us at momentum.ministries7@gmail.com. We would love to speak to your church, Sunday School class, or Small Group about the work in McGrath. 

K4G (Kids 4 God) Update

If anyone would like to help fund the "K4G" Club we would appreciate it very much. The things we need most are snack items; powder drink mixes, maybe hard candy for prizes, and maybe kick balls, soccer balls (all deflated of course). I am looking for an earth ball. It is a very BIG ball that the kids can play with outside. If you feel led to help us please send them via postal service, Priority Mail to Mike Mason, P.O. Box 133, McGrath, AK  99627.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 26, 2015

McGrath Community Church Mission Work - Update October 26, 2015

Update on the ministry in McGrath, Alaska

Things seem to be progressing on the parsonage in McGrath. We have been in contact with several folks from the church and they say it is really taking shape inside! That is very good news. I am not sure what is the status of the plumbing and water hook up, but everyone seems to be excited about what is happening. The target date to be back in the community is December 1. Just in time for the river to be frozen (which means snowmobile trips on the river), snow for Christmas and for "Ma in her kerchief and me in my cap, to just settled down for a long winter's nap!" Since we were not able to get back to McGrath as originally planned, to "ease" into winter, I have been going to Walmart every day and spending time in their freezers to try to prepare myself for the "cool" temperatures!

Painting Party For Missions

Christie and my daughter Hannah, along with my beautiful granddaughter Dayleigh, were in our old hometown of Geneseo, Illinois last week. While there they hosted a painting party to help the work in McGrath. A very HUGE thank-you to David and Debra Jones for opening their home for the party! Also, thanks go out to Hannah for coordinating the party, and all the awesome ladies that took part!

Website Update

I have been working over the last few weeks with my web designer on the Momentum Ministries website. We have selected what we want the site to look like and finally getting down to putting it together. Hopefully in a few weeks the site will be up. We hope to have a lot of good information on the site, as well as access to the blog, a donate online, and a store where we will be selling many of the items painted at the painting parties. Hannah has really done a great job on her work. I hope to post some of her work in the next blog update so you can order any of the items before the website is up!

Fund Raising

I want to thank all of you that have given financially to the work we will be doing over the next 6 months. You guys are awesome. However, we still need partners to help with the monthly expenses. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord may want you to help with this incredible opportunity to partner with us and reach the bush village of McGrath, Alaska for Jesus!

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please give us a call at (334) 543-2000 Home, or (334) 292-0090 Mike US Cell / (907) 574-0624 Alaska Cell, or email us at momentum.ministries7@gmail.com. We would love to speak to your church, Sunday School class, or Small Group about the work in McGrath. We are in the process of refreshing our website, and hope to provide the ability to donate online. Check back for updates!

K4G (Kids 4 God) Update

I have been preparing for the weekly Bible clubs that will get started January. We have a huge opportunity to reach a lot of kids during the dark, cold months. Looking at some exciting stuff to use to share the Gospel with the kids in McGrath.

If anyone would like to help fund the "K4G" Club we would appreciate it very much. The things we need most are snack items; powder drink mixes, maybe hard candy for prizes, and maybe kick balls, soccer balls (all deflated of course). I am looking for an earth ball. It is a very BIG ball that the kids can play with outside. If you feel led to help us please send them via postal service, Priority Mail to Mike Mason, P.O. Box 133, McGrath, AK  99627.

Youth Pizza Nights

The Saturday pizza nights have been incredible. The turnout has been great and the kids are starting to get engaged, even though it was moved to the church. Thanks to Grant and Lenna Funk, and Barney and Megan Funk for heading this up! Continue to pray for this group of youth, that many relationships will be built!

Just Think About It

The other morning I was reading a devotion from Solid Joys (John Piper, Desiring God). I was in a place where I needed to really hear a word from the Father. Over the last several weeks the voice of the enemy has been pretty loud! You have been there I am sure...seems like all you hear is "SILENCE"! Yea, you know what I am talking about. Then, in His usual way, He brings a word!

God's Final, Decisive Word
Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son . . .Hebrews 1:1-2
"When I complain that I don’t hear the Word of God, when I feel a desire to hear the voice of God, and get frustrated that he does not speak in ways that I may crave, what am I really saying? Am I really saying that I have exhausted this final decisive Word revealed to me so fully in the New Testament? Have I really exhausted this Word? Has it become so much a part of me that it has shaped my very being and given me life and guidance?

Or have I treated it lightly — skimmed it like a newspaper, dipped in like a taste-tester — and then decided I wanted something different, something more? This is what I fear I am guilty of more than I wish to admit.

God is calling us to hear his final, decisive Word — to meditate on it and study it and memorize it and linger over it and soak in it until it saturates us to the center of our being."

It was like one of the God billboards...you know, the black ones with the white writing...yep, this was one of those. Sum it up....."Listen to Me!" God  Enough said!

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

McGrath Community Church Mission Work - Update October 18, 2015

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather lately! The temperature in McGrath is running from highs in the mid 30s to lows in the lower 20s! Winter is well underway in McGrath.

I had the privilege to visit with the folks at Paoli Presbyterian Church in Paoli, Pennsylvania the weekend of October 11. Paoli is the church that has supplied the work mission teams to McGrath since the construction of the parsonage started. The mission team presented a report from this year's trip and I was able to share about the work we will be doing there over the next six months. They also got to put a face with the name of the first people to occupy the parsonage.

Parsonage Update

I talked with the church this past week and got an update on the work. They have seen more church folks get involved in this work than ever before. Everyone has a specific job to do and things are progressing with folks working after they get off work and on the weekends. I was excited to hear this.

The two big things left to do are install the heater under the house to protect the pipes and have the water connected and plumbing inside (includes the city making their water connection and installing the meter). Most of the major inside work has been completed. They said 2-3 weeks and all but the water and plumbing would be done.

I received an email today from the church asking to push the expected date back in McGrath to December 1. They wanted to make sure that all the work was done, the house was cleaned up, and we get the furnishing in place. Christie made a list of the furnishing from Wayfair.com. We sent this list to the church. Today the church had a brief meeting and approved a furnishing budget that will well cover the stuff Christie picked out and they also gave us some money to have personal things shipped to McGrath. So it seems things are moving along.

Youth Pizza Night

Saturday night was the second pizza night for the youth at the church. There has been a good turnout with the location being moved to the church from a private home. Please pray that this outreach will lead to continued connection with this group. This group is one of our primary outreach ministries. 

Potential Mission Partner
I will be meeting with The Vine Church in Troy, Alabama this weekend. I am not sure of all the details about the visit, but I do know that I will be able to share the work in McGrath with the Missions Pastor. The church is looking for new mission partners. Lisa Michael, the very first connection I made re: Alaska, attends that church and has been talking with them about the work in McGrath. If you will recall, my involvement in the work in McGrath was started by the relationship I had with Lisa as part of Momentum Ministries' work on the campus of Troy University. The Father works in unusual ways sometimes. I am very grateful to Lisa. She is a close friend and has been a valuable asset in preparing us for the work in Alaska. Lisa attended Alaska Bible College and was a missionary in Alaska, and part of the original work started in McGrath. Because of the hard work, and continued interest in McGrath specifically, by the teams that have gone before us, we are able to  do the work before us.
Please partner with us in prayer for the work in McGrath. If you would like to be a financial partner with us, you can make a one time gift, or help support us on a monthly basis. You can make your check payable to Momentum Ministries and mail it to Momentum Ministries, 90 Anna Grace Lane, Wetumpka  AL  36092. Please note on the check "McGrath Mission Work". Momentum Ministries is a "Not For Profit Organization under Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code". Your contribution is tax deductible and year-end tax statements will be provided when a valid mailing address is provided.

 If you have any questions, or would like more information, please give us a call at (334) 543-2000 Home, or (334) 292-0090 Mike US Cell / (907) 574-0624 Alaska Cell, or email us at momentum.ministries7@gmail.com. We would love to speak to your church, Sunday School class, or Small Group about the work in McGrath. We are in the process of refreshing our website, and hope to provide the ability to donate online. Check back for updates!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sharing Mission Work at Local Churches

Christie and I had the opportunity to share the work in McGrath, Alaska with the faith family at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Gardendale, Alabama this past weekend. We would like to thank Pastor Wayne Shelton and the church for inviting us. We had an awesome time meeting the great folks at Redeemer. We would also like to thank Charlene Holmes, one of the founding members of Redeemer, for helping us make the connection.

I will be traveling to Paoli, Pennsylvania this weekend to be a part of the McGrath Construction Team presentation from this past summer at Paoli Presbyterian Church. I will have a few minutes to share about the opportunities for ministry in McGrath and the work we will be doing there over the next several months, as well as a question and answer time.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Momentum Ministries Is Now A Charitable Organization On AmazonSmile

If you are an frequent shopper on Amazon.com please support Momentum Ministries by shopping at AmazonSmile. This will link your supporters directly to smile.amazon.com to support Momentum Ministries https://smile.amazon.com/ch/27-3669797.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

McGrath Community Church Mission Work - Update September 30, 2015 Parting Thoughts

It has been a week or so since I arrived back home. Over the last few days I have tried to reflect back over the summer in McGrath and look forward to what opportunities ahead. It was a great summer of connecting with new folks, spending time following up with the kids after Vacation Bible School, and just doing life in McGrath. The time this summer gave us a new perspective of the culture, people, and life in the bush of Alaska. By hanging out at the ball field, having lunch or picking up pizza at the cafe, attending local activities, or just talking to the folks of McGrath, we have gained a much deeper understanding of how life is in this part of Alaska; it is much different than you might think.

We want to thank the McGrath Community Church for allowing us the opportunity to fill-in for Pastor Wayne over the summer; the community of McGrath for allowing Christie and I to "do life" there this summer; and the awesome people of McGrath for making us feel welcome. We want to especially thank the kids of McGrath for a great Vacation Bible School, Kids Club, and the opportunity to get to know many of them better. McGrath is an awesome community!

On Sunday afternoon before I left it appeared that everyone wanted to come and say good-bye. I had never seen all my moose friends in the yard at the same time...PLUS, a new friend came by, Ralph! Ralph is a young bull moose and have not seen a bull moose, well, a live bull moose, the whole summer! I think Ralph was more interested in the females than he was in making friends with me! 
Henrietta & her twins - with Ralph watching

Lucy & her calf

On Sunday September 20, I finished the series "I Challenge You" with "I Challenge You To Surrender It All". After the challenges to "Read and Study The Scriptures" and "Make Prayer A Priority", I challenged us to give everything to Christ and follow Him...out of the four walls of the church building, and into the community of McGrath where many of the people do not understand how much God loves them, and that He gave His Son on the cross to prove that love! In closing, I offered a challenge to spend 31 days in the Word. I challenged the body to read a Proverb a day for the next 31 days starting Monday September 21st. I passed out cards that had each day and the Proverb for the day listed. I suggested as they read the Proverb for the day, let one or two verses rise to the top and focus on those verses throughout the day. In fact, I encouraged them to email, call, or text someone what verses stuck out to them and encourage each other. I closed the service with this comment: “We must get to the point that we are no longer content with our walk with Christ, just “doing enough” to get by! If Jesus had had that attitude about His relationship with us He would have NEVER took the route to the cross!"

Update on Future Opportunities

As many of you know from following the blog or receiving our newsletter, the McGrath Community Church has extended an invitation to Christie and I to serve the church for an extended period of time. We met last month with the church and discussed this opportunity. We agreed to serve as missionary "pastor" for a six month interim period, leading the church and helping the church get connected in the community. We set a start date of November 1, 2015.

There is a real need to make Christ known throughout the community of McGrath. We feel like the starting point will be in the children's ministry and the church body being more intentional about being Christ Followers! We feel very strongly that the current body wants to grow the church, but it must come from the "church" BEING the church outside of Sunday mornings.

For this opportunity to come to realization, two very important things need to happen; first, the church must complete construction of the parsonage and have it furnished and ready for us to move in November 1 (the parsonage and utilities are to be furnished by the church as their part of compensation); second, Christie and I must secure support for the initial setup in McGrath (getting several items of critical winter clothing, flights back to McGrath, initial grocery needs) and partners to commit to supporting us on a monthly basis. The church has invested the majority of its income in the construction of the parsonage. The church has no debt, but at this time cannot provide housing and utilities plus a salary. They hope to very quickly get to a point where they can provide some living assistance. There may be an opportunity for Mike to be the local Library Director, which will provide some monthly income. But the job has not been posted and there will be a interviewing process.

As of this update, I am not aware how close the parsonage is to being ready to move in. I am waiting on updates from the church for this. I know that September was a busy month with everyone in the village out moose hunting (most of the people in the community rely on killing a moose to provide meat for their family for the coming year). As for our support, we are well short of the initial funds needed to get setup and we have only five people who are partnering to support us on a monthly basis. I am scheduled to share our work with two churches over the next two weekends, one, Paoli Presbyterian, being the church responsible for the parsonage project. My goal is to share the potential ministry opportunities in McGrath, and make these churches aware of our part in these opportunities.If these two are not met we will to delay the start date until we can secure the funds, or potentially allow the church to seek another ministry to fill this position.

There is an old African proverb, “If you want to run fast, run alone.  If you want to run far, run together.” We believe the harvest is great in McGrath, but we need folks to come along side us and pray for McGrath, Alaska, and for us as we move forward to minister there. I have to admit, since that meeting with the church back in August, the enemy has launched an all out attack on Christie and I personally, and on us as a couple. I have been in some tough battles in my walk with Christ, but NONE as intense as this one. The enemy is not happy that someone dare to enter his territory, where he is destroying lives with alcoholism (one death this summer related to alcoholism), where he has created a sense of hopelessness, where he uses addictions to rob people of their joy and future, and where he makes every attempt to make the name and power of Christ meaningless. The love of Christ must be made know in McGrath, and the enemy needs to be out on notice that his territory is about to be invaded!

We would much appreciate your prayers as we work through the things needed to make this happen. We believe that prayer is where this battle will be won! Please partner with us in prayer for the work in McGrath. If you would like to be a financial partner with us, you can make a one time gift, or help support us on a monthly basis. You can make your check payable to Momentum Ministries and mail it to Momentum Ministries, 90 Anna Grace Lane, Wetumpka  AL  36092. Please note on the check "McGrath Mission Work". Momentum Ministries is a "Not For Profit Organization under Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code". Your contribution is tax deductible and year-end tax statements will be provided when a valid mailing address is provided.

 If you have any questions, or would like more information, please give us a call at (334) 543-2000 Home, or (334) 292-0090 Mike US Cell / (907) 574-0624 Alaska Cell, or email us at momentum.ministries7@gmail.com. We would love to speak to your church, Sunday School class, or Small Group about the work in McGrath. We are in the process of refreshing our website, and hope to provide the ability to donate online. Check back for updates!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

McGrath Community Church Mission Work - Update September 14, 2015

Things have been pretty quiet the past week. It has been a lot cooler, 40s and lower 50s, but the rain has been present almost every day. The weekend was a wash as it rained all weekend. Christie has been gone so I can keep all the windows closed and a nice fire in the wood stove! Everyone has asked me how it has been with Christie gone, and I have to honest, I really miss her. But I tell them the cabin is a lot warmer and I wake up in the middle of the night and ALL the windows are closed! The rest of this week calls for the highs in lower 40s and the lows in low 30s! Christie Mason kind of weather!

I did find a new toy that I am so disappointed I missed growing up as a kid…Legos! I have the opportunity to babysit for some very good friends of ours in McGrath. The first thing we did was pull out the Legos and start building! I found myself really interested. The little guy said we were going to have a war so we needed to build our weapons. I figured one big weapon was better that a bunch of little ones so I went big. Then the little guy tried to take parts of my weapon! Let Go Of My Lego! Wait, I think that was a different commercial!

Parsonage Update

R To L Tom, Pete, Mark
The mission group, Arctic Barnabas, arrived last Thursday to help with the construction on the parsonage. It was a great group of guys, Tom, Pete and Mark, and they were a pleasure to get to know. Over several days they were able to get the bathroom sheetrock installed, taped and mudded, ready for painting. They also installed the bathroom doorframe and finished the floor cabinets and counter top work in the kitchen. It was a good few days of work and we appreciate these guys coming up from Kenai, Alaska and helping us.

While work is continuing on the parsonage, we are still not complete with the construction. It seems like the closer you get to completion the work on the little things start to take a lot time. There are still many man-hours of work left to be done. Then the furnishing can start. I have created “Lists” on both the WalMart and Target websites that include the inside furnishings needed to get the parsonage ready to occupy. You can look at the previous two blog posts to find out how to access these lists and possibly help out with any of the items.

If you would prefer to make a donation, make your check payable to McGrath Community Church and note on the check "Parsonage Furnishings". The check can be mailed to McGrath Community Church. P.O. Box 82. McGrath, AK  99627. You will receive a year-end statement for your contribution.

Ministry Update

This past Sunday I shared Part 2 of the series "I Challenge You…”. The challenge was “To Make Prayer A Priority"! We discussed the Definition of Prayer, the Purpose of Prayer, the Place of Prayer and the Priorities of Prayer. I used as the central passage Matthew 6:5-13, the model of prayer that Jesus gave His disciples. This Sunday I will try to ties these two challenges together and, based the challenge to have a daily, consistent reading and study of God’s Word, and the challenge to Make Prayer A Priority, we I will issue the Challenge To Follow What God Is Calling Us To.

The church had a potluck Sunday night for the Arctic Barnabas guys. It was very well attended and as always the foods was very good! There was even moose liver smothered in onions and I think bacon! Wow…what a treat!

This Sunday will be my last Sunday as part of the extended summer stay in the community. I will fly out Monday for home and begin preparation to head back for the interim stay for six months. We are looking forward to the opportunities that are ahead.

K4G (Kids 4 God) Update

The weekly Bible clubs will not get started until after the first of the year. This will give us more time to prepare and hopefully get some parents to help out. Please be much in prayer about this. 

If anyone would like to help fund the "K4G" Club we would appreciate it very much. The things we need most are snack items; powder drink mixes, maybe hard candy for prizes, and maybe kick balls, soccer balls (all deflated of course). I am looking for an earth ball. It is a very BIG ball that the kids can play with outside. If you feel led to help us please send them via postal service, Priority Mail to Mike Mason, P.O. Box 133, McGrath, AK  99627.

Lucy and her calf update

With moose season now in full swing, Lucy has been laying low. I had not seen her and her baby in over a week. I have to admit I really started to worry. Not about her safety with moose season in full swing (she is safe, you can’t shoot a cow moose, plus you cannot shoot a gun in the city limits, which is where she stays), but about whose garden she and baby were mowing down. I think they have hit just about everyone’s garden in town. They even got to Ray and Sally’s goodies, which almost never happens!

Moose Hunting Update

Lots of folks out of the community this week, all for a moose! Most of the people in McGrath depend heavily on a moose to provide meat for the next year. So far many of the people have their moose in the freezer. The weather has been rainy and cool, not so good for the hunting, but very good for dressing and bringing it out of the woods. Most people have a “meat-house” where they will bring the quartered moose back home and let it hang in the house for several days to aged. So, a lot of meat is hanging up around town.Three big bull moose were "harvested" this morning off the road leading out of McGrath.


With my extended summer stay coming to an end, we are looking forward to how the Lord is going to prepare us for coming back up in late October to begin a six month interim period at the church, and, how He is going to provide the necessary support; for the initial “setup” costs (major winter clothes, travel back to McGrath, and basic supplies to have when we get here), and the ongoing monthly support. If you receive our newsletter you have read about what it cost to live in the “bush” in Alaska. You do not buy groceries at the local store; a gallon of milk costs $17.00, a dozen eggs costs $10.00, a coke costs $3.50! The majority of the people shop online and have it shipped to the community. Oh, one small piece of information… there is NO road that comes into McGrath! You get to McGrath by air or river! A round-trip flight to Anchorage is $400! And only one flight in and out each day except Sunday. No quick trips to Walmart! You have to do a lot of planning to make grocery shopping cost-effective!

We have many challenges facing us the next few weeks as God brings all this together. There are several “key” things that need to happen. So we covet your prayers as we walk through these critical few weeks. This morning in my quiet time the Lord and I were having a pretty serious conversation in my journal. I was listing the major items that needed to be accomplished before we head back in late October. As I was writing, of course the enemy had to chime in. I knew he had to show up sooner or later! Let me tell you how he started to challenge me: “So, your God has called you to McGrath has He! Good! Let me ask you, wasn’t the parsonage supposed to be completed and ready to move in before you guys come back? Not looking good is it! And you sent letters out to your supporters didn’t you, asking them to pray for you and possibly be a financial partner? I heard you and Christie talking about this and she said there have been a few financial gifts, but not close to what you need. If your God has called you to this work why hasn’t He met the needs to make it happen? You say that you trust Him, but I do not see Him doing His part! Why don’t you just forget it and go home. You can do much better things with your time!”

The enemy has launched his best plan against us. I wish I could tell you I was making this up, but I can take you to my journal for today and walk you through what is going on. As I was praying and talking to the Father, a word came to my mind…ROCK! Then one of my favorite songs immediately came to mind, “The Rock Won’t Move” by Vertical Church Band. Look at the words, better yet, Google the song and listen to it:

When the ground beneath my feet gives way, And I hear the sound of crashing waves
All my world is washing out to sea, I'm hidden safe in the God who never moves
Holding fast to the promise of the truth, That You are holding tighter still to me

The Rock won't move and His word is strong, The Rock won't move and His love can't be undone
The Rock won't move and His word is strong, The Rock won't move and His love can't be undone
The Rock of our Salvation

My hope is in the promise of Your blood, My support within the raging flood
Even in the tempest, I can sing, I'm hidden safe in the God who never moves
Holding fast to the promise of Your truth, That You are holding tighter still to me

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand
The Rock won't move, the Rock won't move
When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest in His unchanging grace
The Rock won't move, the Rock won't move

Then I was taken to two passages:
Psalm 61:1-4  (NLT) O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!

Isaiah 44:6-8  (NLT)  This is what the Lord says—Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies: “I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who is like me? Let him step forward and prove to you his power. Let him do as I have done since ancient times when I established a people and explained its future. Do not tremble; do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago? You are my witnesses—is there any other God? No! There is no other Rock—not one!”

I think I will keep standing on the ROCK!

Monday, September 7, 2015

McGrath Community Church Mission Work - Update September 7, 2015

Christie and I flew back into Anchorage last week for a few days before she flew back to Alabama and I flew back to McGrath until September 20. We had a great week and had a chance to take a deep breathe after a very exciting summer. 

As most of you know by now, the McGrath Community Church has invited Christie and I to stay in McGrath and lead the church. This is very humbling for them to ask us to do this. After a lot of prayer and discussion with the church, we have agreed to do a six month "interim"  period. The target date to be back in the community is November 1, 2015. However, if the parsonage is not completed and ready to move in, this date may be pushed out. With winter in McGrath fast approaching, this is a critical deadline; first for construction work, and second for us getting back to McGrath. The plan was to drive to Anchorage the third week of October to be in McGrath by November 1. But as we have talked to people who have made the trip, and know the weather very well, it is an "ify" trip if we wait to drive late in October. So we will see how much of the parsonage is complete when I leave September 21.

Famous Donut Burger
During our few days in Anchorage we got to go to the Alaska State Fair held in Palmer, Alaska, about an hour from Anchorage. It was a very interesting fair, similar to our fairs in many ways, but had a unique Alaskan twist! The food was awesome! The one thing we were told we had to try was a Donut Burger! Yep, you heard that right...a glazed donut cut in half as the bun, then the burger and all the fixins! The only thing that would have made it better would be what...a HOT GLAZED KRISPY KREME donut!

We walked the fairgrounds and visited all the exhibit areas. A trip to the fair would not be complete without a trip to the agricultural barn...come on, where all the people show off their prizes animals. We talked to a lady who was moving her pig to the weigh-in station. Christie asked her how much she thought her pig weighed and she said probably 300 pounds...AT SIX MONTHS OLD! Guess what the pig's name was.....Luau! Yep, you can pretty much guess where his next stop will be!
Veggie Tales

Alaskan Roulette

Funniest thing happened. If you all do not know, Christie cannot stand birds of any kind. Except maybe the deep fried kind! Anyway, we were walking around where the turkeys were and coming straight for Christie were two turkeys that had escaped from their cages. Should have seen her run. Mike, the turkeys are coming right for us!

On Wednesday we left early for Soldotna, Alaska. On the way we stopped at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. It was an amazing place. 

Brown Bear Napping
Black Bear Napping

What You Lookin At Willis
Big Elk

Christie & Moose
Bison Guards His Woman

 And what did we find in the great state of Alaska.....the only real mascot...Nova!
Warr Eagle

In Soldotna we met with the Child Evangelism directors for Alaska to discuss the "K4G" Bible Club we are starting after the first of the year. It was a very good meeting and we learned a lot about other club ministries in communities like the one we will be ministering. While in Soldotna, we got to spend some time with Pastor Wayne and his wife Rosie. They are there for the month of September, then headed back to Maine. It was an awesome day.

Thursday we went winter clothes shopping. We were very fortunate to have another missionary, who was also staying at the same missionary house we were, to go with us. She and her family are in a village called Eagle, which is about 12 hours northeast from Anchorage on the Alaska / Canadian border. They have been there for 18 years and have to come to Anchorage to do their 6 month shopping. After a certain point in the winter you cannot get out of Eagle due to snow covered roads. These guys were a great help and the store they suggested we go to was having a big sale! So we got our heavy coats, gloves and hats at almost half price.We had a lot of time with these guys and got a lot more information about living in the bush, especially in the winter.

The week was incredible and we got very valuable information about ministry and winters in the bush. I put Christie on her plane back to Alabama later Thursday night. Breakfast is not going to be the same without "Puddin" around!

Parsonage Update

Through contacts the church has with a mission group called Artic Barnabas, a few men from this organization will be coming to McGrath to try and finish the construction of the parsonage. With winter very close, the parsonage construction needs to be completed so it can be furnished and ready for Christie and I to move in November 1.

I have set up a "List" on the Walmart website for stuff needed for the parsonage. At the top of the Walmart webpage select Lists and then search for McGrath Community Church Parsonage. For Target, copy and paste this link into your Browser http://www.target.com/targetlists#public/fc9384bad0d949e8bdb5fee45d0df2ba and it will take you to the page for the parsonage. The Target list is a lot better than the Walmart list because we could just list general items without having to select specific product item and add to the list. You can print the list off the Target list page and buy from Walmart if you prefer.
If you would prefer to make a donation, make your check payable to McGrath Community Church and note on the check "Parsonage Furnishings". The check can be mailed to McGrath Community Church. P.O. Box 82. McGrath, AK  99627. You will receive a year-end statement for your contribution.

Ministry Update

This past Sunday I started a short three week series called "I Challenge You". Part 1 this past Sunday was "I Challenge You - To Read and Study The Scripture". The next two parts will be "I Challenge You - To Make Prayer A Priority" and "I Challenge You - To Obey What God Has Said". The goal is to get the body in the Word and prayer, listing TO God, so we can move outside the walls of the church and BE THE CHURCH and a light in this community!

K4G (Kids 4 God) Update

Due to Christie and I not being back in McGrath until November 1, and the holidays starting, we have decided to start the weekly Bible clubs after the first of the year. This will give us more time to prepare and hopefully get some parents to help out. Please be much in prayer about this. 

If anyone would like to help fund the "K4G" Club we would appreciate it very much. The things we need most are snack items, powder drink mixes, maybe hard candy for prizes, and maybe kick balls, soccer balls (all deflated of course). I am looking for an earth ball. It is a very BIG ball that the kids can play with outside. If you feel led to help us please send them via postal service, Priority Mail to Mike Mason, P.O. Box 133, McGrath, AK  99627.

Lucy and her calf update
Lucy Opens Baby Shower Gift

My friend Lucy and her baby have been making themselves right at home around the community, especially in town. We have decided that Lucy is a city girl and she had her baby calf in town. Seeing how all the town's people have planted such nice, green gardens in honor of her baby she has ma
de herself right at home. Our next door neighbor has worked so hard all season to have a good garden. They put up a good fence and secured it real well, which caused Lucy a slight problem. But this past weekend, while our neighbors were down river, Lucy could not wait to open their baby shower gift to her and her baby!
What's for dinner Mike?

All day this past Saturday Lucy and her calf hung around in our yard. I was able to feed them carrots, apples and some plums. They helped themselves to the rest of Christie's raspberries. They said to tell Christie to plant the sweeter ones next year!

During the day Saturday, Lucy decided to lay down and watch her baby. The calf had a ball just running around in the weeds. We have gotten to be good friends, so good that I can get withing about ten feet, and Lucy does not even lay her ears back, which usually means, "You're getting too close, Jack!" 

Moose Hunting Update

The season seems to off to a very good start. Many of the town's people have gotten their moose already. And they say the moose have been very fat, which means they have been eating very good and not used up a lot of energy in rut! Ray Collins, the founder of the church, got his moose this past week and I was able to see how it was dressed in the field and how some of the processing is done. Ray does most all the processing of his moose, but some people will send the meat into Anchorage to have it processed.
Hanging Moose Meat

Moose Processing



Many exciting things have happened over the last few weeks to add to an amazing summer of ministry. Two of my goals as part of the three year commitment Momentum Ministries made to the McGrath Community Church were, first, to be in the community more in the summer to follow-up after VBS, and second, to find some way to be in the community during the winter months to reach out and help during this "dark" and cold time. God has faithfully provided for both of these goals.

I had a devotion a few weeks ago that in part lead to the "I Challenge You" series we are doing over the last three weeks I am here. The title was, "Are You Discourage In Devotion?" At first I thought, "No, my devotions have been pretty good!" But as I read the devotion I was challenged by this question; "Is there any ONE thing that hinders me from following Jesus as He deserves?" It was based in the passage where the rich, young ruler comes to Jesus and asked Him what he must "do" to be saved. The man thought he was good when he responded to Jesus, "All these things (the commandments) I have kept from my youth!" I am picturing this scene...Jesus just smiled at the man's answer, knowing what He was going to say next and how the man was going to respond.

Then Jesus say, "ONE THING you still lack! Sell ALL that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and [THEN] come follow Me." Luke 18:22 (ESV) You know how the story ends...not very well for the man. You see he had ONE THING that stood between him and following Jesus. Just ONE THING, but oh, how huge was that ONE THING! It was the difference between heaven and hell!

Following Christ is not about obeying a bunch of rules and commandments, church attendance, small group association, being morally good, or saying a prayer or signing a commitment card. The young man had all that, but those five little words are the difference between life and death..."ONE THING you still lack!"

For some it may mean sell all you have and follow Christ; for some it may mean that out of the blessings that God had so generously blessed you with you are to bless someone else; for some it may mean a complete surrender of  one's life to Christ. We all, not matter where we are in life, or what our social status is, or how good life may be to us, must ask that one question that Jesus asked this man, "What ONE THING stands between me and Christ and keeps me from following Him?" Not just bowing our heads and saying the prayer, but really committing our lives to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, and picking up our cross and carrying out the one command Jesus left us before returning to the Father; "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV) 

Continue to pray for us as we share the love and message of Jesus Christ! If you are not on our newsletter mailing list please send me your information, including email address if you prefer it emailed, to me at momentum.ministries7@gmail.com.