Things seem to be progressing on the parsonage in McGrath. We have been in contact with several folks from the church and they say it is really taking shape inside! That is very good news. I am not sure what is the status of the plumbing and water hook up, but everyone seems to be excited about what is happening. The target date to be back in the community is December 1. Just in time for the river to be frozen (which means snowmobile trips on the river), snow for Christmas and for "Ma in her kerchief and me in my cap, to just settled down for a long winter's nap!" Since we were not able to get back to McGrath as originally planned, to "ease" into winter, I have been going to Walmart every day and spending time in their freezers to try to prepare myself for the "cool" temperatures!
Painting Party For Missions
Christie and my daughter Hannah, along with my beautiful granddaughter Dayleigh, were in our old hometown of Geneseo, Illinois last week. While there they hosted a painting party to help the work in McGrath. A very HUGE thank-you to David and Debra Jones for opening their home for the party! Also, thanks go out to Hannah for coordinating the party, and all the awesome ladies that took part!
Website Update
I have been working over the last few weeks with my web designer on the Momentum Ministries website. We have selected what we want the site to look like and finally getting down to putting it together. Hopefully in a few weeks the site will be up. We hope to have a lot of good information on the site, as well as access to the blog, a donate online, and a store where we will be selling many of the items painted at the painting parties. Hannah has really done a great job on her work. I hope to post some of her work in the next blog update so you can order any of the items before the website is up!
Fund Raising
I want to thank all of you that have given financially to the work we will be doing over the next 6 months. You guys are awesome. However, we still need partners to help with the monthly expenses. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord may want you to help with this incredible opportunity to partner with us and reach the bush village of McGrath, Alaska for Jesus!
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please give us a call at (334) 543-2000 Home, or (334) 292-0090 Mike US Cell / (907) 574-0624 Alaska Cell, or email us at We would love to speak to your church, Sunday School class, or Small Group about the work in McGrath. We are in the process of refreshing our website, and hope to provide the ability to donate online. Check back for updates!
K4G (Kids 4 God) Update
I have been preparing for the weekly Bible clubs that will get started January. We have a huge opportunity to reach a lot of kids during the dark, cold months. Looking at some exciting stuff to use to share the Gospel with the kids in McGrath.
Youth Pizza Nights
The Saturday pizza nights have been incredible. The turnout has been great and the kids are starting to get engaged, even though it was moved to the church. Thanks to Grant and Lenna Funk, and Barney and Megan Funk for heading this up! Continue to pray for this group of youth, that many relationships will be built!
Just Think About It
The other morning I was reading a devotion from Solid Joys (John Piper, Desiring God). I was in a place where I needed to really hear a word from the Father. Over the last several weeks the voice of the enemy has been pretty loud! You have been there I am sure...seems like all you hear is "SILENCE"! Yea, you know what I am talking about. Then, in His usual way, He brings a word!
God's Final, Decisive Word
Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son . . .Hebrews 1:1-2
"When I complain that I don’t hear the Word of God, when I feel a desire to hear the voice of God, and get frustrated that he does not speak in ways that I may crave, what am I really saying? Am I really saying that I have exhausted this final decisive Word revealed to me so fully in the New Testament? Have I really exhausted this Word? Has it become so much a part of me that it has shaped my very being and given me life and guidance?
Or have I treated it lightly — skimmed it like a newspaper, dipped in like a taste-tester — and then decided I wanted something different, something more? This is what I fear I am guilty of more than I wish to admit.
God is calling us to hear his final, decisive Word — to meditate on it and study it and memorize it and linger over it and soak in it until it saturates us to the center of our being."
It was like one of the God know, the black ones with the white writing...yep, this was one of those. Sum it up....."Listen to Me!" God Enough said!
Have a great week!