Sunday, June 16, 2013

Who is ready for VBS?


We landed right on time this afternoon, made it to our host homes, and then began the decorating process!

This years VBS is an "Around the World" theme. So of course we decorated our favorite spots, the beach and the mountains! We have a BEAUTIFUL waterfall and MARVELOUS mountains to entertain our kiddos eyes while hearing all about Jesus.

However, we do have some entertaining pictures for YOUR eyes too!

Here is a picture of Mt McKinley! We saw it on our flight this afternoon. It was breathtaking to see something we see on TV in person and know that we know who created it.

Side note: It's extremely rare to see Mt McKinley at full scale. Thankfully, the clouds didn't block our view today!

Here is the Kuskokwim river we flew over. Just to give you insight of how winding the river is and how green it is up here! Beautiful. Beautiful.


There are several more pictures to come, but we have had a full day! Check back tomorrow night, or probably Monday morning for you central time folks, for pictures of our decorations and trip so far.

Lastly, be praying for the church service in the morning as the team leads the community in Worship and the Word. VBS starts tomorrow at 1! Pray for clear skies, lots of children, and Jesus to be revealed.

Psalm 139:1 is tomorrow's Bible Verse if you would like to join in on the VBS fun.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayer!

Bush Alaska Missions

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