Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday June 20, 2014

Greetings from McGrath, Alaska! What a beautiful day it has been.

We had a nice flight from Anchorage this morning. However, due to the clouds we did not get to see much of the mountains. While we were waiting on our luggage to be unloaded Pastor Wayne said it had been raining for several days, but right before we landed the sun came out. But...the weather is nowhere near the heat it was last year! We tease Christie that last year the Lord was having a good laugh on her because she always said, "I will not go where it is HOT!" When we got off the plane in McGrath it was 93 degrees...the hottest it had been in 150 years! So I think Christie and the Father have reconciled the issue!

We were met by several of the church folks at the airport, well, we thought they were there to pick us up. Ray Collins was headed to Anchorage for some medical procedures (Sally Collins is already in Anchorage); Grant and Lenna Funk (who we are staying with this week) were headed to Anchorage to be with their son and daughter-in-law who was in the early stages of labor. I asked Pastor Wayne had we scared everyone off thinking we were bringing the heat again!

We all got settled in at our host homes and headed back to the church to get all set up for VBS. All the decorations were put up, did a run through on the songs were are going to teach the kids this years; and discussed the VBS schedule. We all set and excited about this week!

We had a special treat for dinner. There was a Bar-B-Q for the church and we got to see many of the folks we had met on previous trips. Lots of new stories! Met a lot of the kids at the BBQ and they are all excited about VBS!

Tomorrow we will hang out with the people and do some visiting to invite the kids. Late in the afternoon we will meet in the park for a big pot luck dinner. We will meet after dinner to finalize any VBS last minute details!

Good night from the Last is not like you see on TV...much better in person!


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