Friday, June 26, 2015

Alaska 2015 VBS Mission - June 26

5:30 am call to PenAir to check on flight to McGrath resulted in a "all systems go" response! That was good news. As I was reading Psalm 41 before we packed up I came to verses 11-12, "By this I know that You delight in me: my enemy will not shout in triumph over me. But You have upheld me because of my integrity, and set me in Your presence forever."

As we started to leave the Interact Ministry campus for Anchorage, we gathered together and I shared these verses with our team...God has some big work for us to do and the enemy WILL NOT stop it!

Our drive to Anchorage started out with a little excitement before we even got off the campus. I looked down the road as we turned out of the drive and we saw, yes we did, a moose about 50 yards away walking down the road. I have never seen Lynette move so fast to get out of the car to take a picture! You would have thought she was going to run to Anchorage! Of course the moose sensed we were "tourists", and stopped, turned to face the van and we got some good pictures. Everyone was pumped up! But it got better. About a half mile we went into a curve and we looked to the left and there was another moose, just eating breakfast. He was no more than 25 feet from the van. "Oh, more tourists!" He also raises his head and turns toward the van, breakfast hanging all out of his mouth and just stares at us! Amazing animals.

Arrived at the airport and all was still a go for the flight to McGrath! Enemy, take that in the name of Jesus! The flight was very good. As we got closer to McGrath, you could see the smoke from the fires burning, and even smell it. They estimate more than 250 fires burning in Alaska right now. Most of these fires are lightning related. The town of Aniak, which is located about 290 miles southwest of McGrath, was evacuated today. We spoke to some other missionaries behind us at the airport who were headed to Aniak to build a house! At the current time there is no fire threatening McGrath. Please pray for the people of Alaska and the firefighters who have come from as far as Pennsylvania to help fight these fires.

We were met by several of our friends at the McGrath airport. It was so good to see them. After our warm welcome, we packed everyone up and headed to the host homes to get settled. Lynett Smith and Haley Polk are staying with Ray and Sally Collins (and will get some of Ray's most delicious blueberry oatmeal). I have to admit I am jealous! Melynda and Jay Cowan went to Josh and Kellie Peirce's home.

The balance of the afternoon was spent decorating the church (race theme, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith..." 2 Timothy 4:7-8b), getting our crafts setup for day 1, and going visiting kids in the village. We saw lots of the kids and they are all excited. I met one mom whose son has a birthday tomorrow that ends at 12:30, "just in time for VBS", she said. And she said that she is going to invite all the kids at the party to go to VBS! God is up to some good stuff! Keep praying!

Very good day! I am so glad to be ministering with this team. We had all our stuff at the church done and VBS day 1 prepared in record time. Melynda, Lynett, Haley and Jay, you guys are awesome! We are all pumped about this work!  

Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

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