Monday, July 13, 2015

July 12, 2015 McGrath Community Church Service

What a beautiful Sunday morning in McGrath, Alaska! A bright sun shining, scattered clouds across a blue sky, and a cool 50 degrees…perfect day for worship in the bush of Alaska. You can truly see the beauty of God in this place! As we rode to church on the four-wheeler, the mountains around McGrath were clearly visible and reached out their peaks to touch heaven! Don’t you wish you were here!

We were overwhelmed as the little church started to fill up. And the kids, well, let’s say there were more kids than I have ever seen in this church for a Sunday service. There has not been a children’s church since the lady that lead it has been out of the village. I went to one of the ladies, who has lead the children’s church before, and said to her, “Do you see all these kids? I think we need to have children's church today!” It was awesome to see these kids, and several adults that have not been to this church. I knew that today was going to be amazing!

Our music worship time was very sweet as Megan, Christie and Rebecca lead us to the throne. The song they closed with was “I Stand In Awe”. There are several words that are used about God that just cannot be fully understood. To come into the presence of , or to be in “awe” of God is one of them. I do not think we can fully understand the “aweness” of God this side of heaven. But these ladies got us pretty close!

Earlier in the week I had a good idea of what I was to share with the folks. But, as He sometimes does, it was changed. I was directed to Luke 5:1-11, the calling of Peter to be the first disciple. This passage was very instrumental in calling us to the mission work we are doing.  But God lead me to a different “twist” on this passage as it related to the outreach we are starting this week in the village. The message was centered on the life of David Livingstone, the great African missionary. Livingstone had such a heart for the people of Africa, and had such an impact on the people there, that before his body was carried from his African village home to be sent back to England, his best African friend Chuma physically took his heart out and buried it under a tree near the village. He said that David Livingstone’s heart was in Africa, not in England! The question I posed to the people that morning was, “Who Does Your Heart Beat For?” Who/what is the passion of your heart above all else?

From the Luke passage I pointed out four things that are required for our hearts to beat passionately above all else; First, I must be CLOSE TO HIM on a daily basis (v3); second, I must obey God sometimes against our better judgment (v4-7); third, I must maintain a heart of worship (v8-10a); and finally, I must be willing to leave everything to follow Him (v10b-11). In closing I tied this passage to the Great Commission and challenged the church to join Christie and I as we go out into the village, knock on doors, and  meet the folks of McGrath. I shared that we understood that we were not in the lower 48, we were in basically “non-white man” territory, and that we expected some rejection to our reaching out. BUT, I also said that I saw nowhere in the Great Commission any conditions, or requirements…He just to GO to ALL the nations! Please pray for a response.   

We are very excited about the opportunities here in McGrath. I had a conversation with a man here at the church today. We were talking about why I would come to McGrath to share God's Word, and he asked me, "Aren't there people where you live that need to hear about Jesus?" I said that is a very good question. I explained to him that a majority of people in the lower 48 have heard the name of Jesus. In fact, 80% of all Americans call themselves Christians. So if you were to ask someone on the street who Jesus Christ was they would give you a pretty close answer. I then asked him if I walked up to someone in McGrath, and asked them the same question, how many would know? He said probably 20%. I said that is why I am share with the other 80%, and the 20%, the love of the living Jesus Christ. This led to a discussion about "religion" and a relationship. It was obvious that he was not in a relationship with Jesus Christ. This led to my question to him, "Has there been a time when you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and started to live your life for Him? These are his words, "I grew up in a Christian home, my father was in ministry, and I had religion crammed down my throat. Yes, I have embraced Jesus Christ!" I looked kind of puzzled. "Not the answer you expected was it", he asked. I looked at him and asked him how much time he spends with God each day, reading the Word of God, and praying."None", he replied, "I do not need to read the Bible! I do not understand why we still read a book about Jewish rules and commandments." I took him to John 15, the vine and the branches, and explained to Him that Jesus Christ desires the we grow with and in Him and bear fruit...reading the Word, sharing our faith, serving Christ. I asked him what does this say about the branch that DOES NOT abide in the Vine (Christ). He said I do not know. I told Him Christ will cut off the branch and it will be burned! This is the person that thinks they are saved, yet bear no fruit and live no different life than before they were saved. I asked him where this person would spend eternity, and he did not know. I said totally separated from  God, in Hell! He seemed surprised. He said, "I guess I will have to deal with that when the time comes!" Please pray for my friend!

We talked for a few minutes more and I asked him if he wanted to spend eternity totally separated from God. He some of the most chilling words to me, "I am totally happy right like I am. I guess I will deal with my fate when the time come!" He got up and left! I know why we are in McGrath. I wrote in my journal this morning, "Father, I have ideas about the message this Sunday, but will You confirm what You want me to share?" He did...John 15:1-11.

Christie said to tell everyone that she is adjusting to "bush life" very well. Her convection oven was delivered today, and I bet you cannot guess what her first baked item was...BROWNIES! She is awesome and I am so glad she is here with me.

Keep checking back to see what all God is doing here in McGrath.

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