Hope everyone is doing well! It has been a very good week here. Woke up this morning and it was 39 outside! Can anyone in the south say that is C O L D! Yea, you need for us to send some of it down your way? I will talk to the local weatherman, Tony, who is a good friend!
Ministry Update
We had a good week this week visiting and giving out homemade cookies. The young girl who Christie has connected with, went with us. She had been baking cookies with Christie and hanging out with her. When Christie said we were going she asked could she go, Christie said sure. She was able to show us houses to visit. We were able to visit several homes, some of which were the homes of kids who had been to VBS and to KidZ Zone. We had good visits with all the homes except one. We pulled up in front of this one house and the dog came out barking. The man came to the door and asked, "What do you want?" We said to introduce ourselves and give him some cookies. He said, "I don't want any cookies. I don't want anything!" Have a nice day!
Christie and her young friend have really connected. She is a very sweet young girl who really needs to find the joy of her salvation. Several times she has asked us if we think she is a Christian! We are praying that Christie may be able to take some time with her and maybe talk about salvation and what being a Christian means.
This week's message will be Part 3 of the "Life Interrupted" series, Jonah - A Big Fish Story. I had several lives to consider, but I was eating lunch on Monday and randomly turned to a Charles Stanley podcast. His message was on, who else, Jonah! So that settled that question. I have to admit the study and prep for this message has been very good for me personally. Christie and I have been praying for several decisions about the ministry here and studying the life of Jonah has been a big help. Talk about a LIFE INTERRUPTION...Jonah had a "fish story" to tell about the "big one" that got away!
This morning I went to the church to have some quiettime with the Lord and pray. As I was unpacking my stuff I found that I had left my devotion book, "My Utmost For His Highest". So, I read through the book of Jonah several times, and in a couple of different translations. As I was reading God began to really speak directly to the ministry at the church. He never fails to ALWAYS use "unexpected" situations in powerful ways! He is so good!
The series is going to wrap up on Sunday August 30, the last Sunday we are expected to be in McGrath. Sunday August 23 we will look at one of my favorite passage, the woman caught in adultery, and the last Sunday I will share personally how God has interrupted my life. At least that is the plan as of today. As I have seen several times this summer, the plan is subject to change!
Last Friday night after the community softball game, a young man name Seth Fairbanks left McGrath in his plane headed to Anchorage for what we understand was a reception for a family member who recently married. The plane went down short of Anchorage in a river where the tide was starting to come in. The plane flipped. There were several people that reported seeing two people standing on top of the plane. Seth is reported to have made three 911 calls, but the cell service was not clear. The last call was reported to have said they were going to swim. The problem was, the water is very cold, the current is very rough, and the river bottom is all silt, quicksand like stuff. The chances were slim, if any at all, for them to make it to shore. The plane has been recovered, but no signs of Seth and the passenger with him. They have found several personal articles but nowhere close to the crash site, and not close to each other. And neither bodies have been found as of this update. The families have already started to prepare for the funerals.
This will be the second death in the village since we have been here. Please be in prayer for McGrath. In a small village like McGrath things like this affect many people.
Kidz Zone Update
School starts August 19th. I have seen many of the kids and they are very excited about school starting. I am very excited about the start of the new Good News Bible Club. This is part of the Child Evangelism Fellowship program. I am praying that God brings lots of kids to Club each week.
If anyone would like to help fund the Good News Club we would appreciate it very much. The things we need most are snack items, powder drink mixes, maybe hard candy for prizes, and maybe kickballs, soccer balls (all deflated of course). I am looking for an earth ball. It is a very BIG ball that the kids can play with outside. If you feel led to help us please send them via postal service, Priority Mail to Mike Mason, P.O. Box 133, McGrath, AK 99627.
Lucy and her calf update
You are going to be amazed at this. The last sighting of Lucy and her baby was...RIGHT OUTSIDE our backdoor! Christie heard the dogs next door backing about 5am this past Monday. She walked down the stairs and looked and saw both of them just mowing down the tops of the small trees. They were less than 20 feet away! She woke me up and I went outside. Lucy just looked at me and kept mowing down the tops.
Then...on Thursday of this week I was at the church studying. As I was leaving I kind of glanced off to the area where the cemetery is located. I caught something out of my eye. I turned and looked...and there she was, Lucy and her baby, mowing down weeds in the cemetery. The baby was just jumping around and playing. At least they were watching where they were stepping! :)
Parting Thoughts
As we were visiting this week we met a new friend, Max. He is a part lab and part pit bull. And his toys are two twenty pound bowling balls! Yes, you heard me right, TWO TWENTY POUND BOWLING BALLS! I will let you decide which part of him is pit bull! It is so funny to see him try to get the bowls in the right position to get his teeth in the finger holes!

Continue to pray for us as we share the love and message of Jesus Christ! Our newsletter should be on its way in the next few days. We will tell you about some exciting ministry opportunities! If you are not on our newsletter mailing list please send me your information, including email address if you prefer it emailed, to me at momentum.ministries7@gmail.com.
Praying for you and Christie, Rosie and the village of McGrath, especially Seth's family.